Computer Science 252.
Graduate Computer Architecture.
(4 units)

Spring 1998

Quick jump to:
Announcements | Description | Organization | Projects | Schedule | Handouts | Related | Links



All project comments and final grades have been mailed. If you have not received this, mail me soon. If it is possible for you to make your project paper available to others outside the Berkeley domain, please do so. Remember, though, if you have something that you are not supposed to distribute (for example, BDTI code), make available only the parts that are OK to distribute.


252 poster session area information is available.


Quiz 2 stats are available.


NOW login instructions are available.


Here's how to domain-limit web access for projects.

Older Announcements

In the interests of making this page more readable, older announcments have been moved.

Catalog Description

Three hours of lecture per week. Prerequisites: CS 152. Graduate survey of contemporary computer organizations covering: early systems, CPU design, instruction sets, control, processors, busses, ALU, memory, pipelined computers, multiprocessors, and case studies. Term paper or project required.

Expanded Description

This course focuses on the techniques of quantitative analysis and evaluation of modern computing systems, such as the selection of appropriate benchmarks to reveal and compare the performance of alternative design choices in system design. The emphasis is on the major component subsystems of high performance computers: pipelining, instruction level parallelism, memory hierarchies, input/output, and network-oriented interconnections. Students will undertake a major computing system analysis and design project of their own choosing.

Course Grading

10% Class Participation
30% Homeworks (work in pairs)
30% Examinations (2 Quizzes)
30% Research Project (work in pairs)

Departmental Grading Guidelines for Graduate courses

Instructors, Spring 1998

Lecturer: Professor David Patterson
Teaching Assistant: Joe Gebis


Lecture: Wed, Fri 2 - 3:30 PM, 203 McLaughlin Hall


Click here to see who's who.


Past quizzes and solutions are available.


The class newsgroup is ucb.class.cs252


J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishing Co., Menlo Park, CA. 1996 
ISBN: 1558603298 

Here's one place to buy a copy of the book

Note that the 2nd edition is significantly different than the 1st edition, and it is not recommended that you attempt to use the 1st edition as a textbook for this course.

The errata sheet is available!!!

The first reader to report an error in the book and supply a correction that the authors incorporate in a future printing will be rewarded with a $1.00 bounty. To submit a bug, send a message to with the page number and line number of the error in the subject line. (Check the errata sheet first.) Typically these bugs are reviewed by the both publisher and the authors about once a year before checks are issued, so please be patient.

Course Projects

Click here to see a list of suggested projects.
Project web pages for Spring 1998.
Project presentation schedule

Course Schedule

Lecture notes will be available in postscript, pdf, and powerpoint formats. Postscript files are good for printing, but pdf files are usually better for viewing on the screen. (Powerpoint is for instructors who want to give lectures themselves based on CS 252. Note that I still use a Macintosh, so they were created in PowerPoint 4.0. A few lectures I have also put up in the newer Office 98 Powerpoint--98, not 97--also on a Mac, in case that helps Microserfs.)

Note that sometimes ghostview has trouble properly displaying postscript files, although they often print okay even when that occurs. Every effort will be made to get the notes on the web prior to the lecture. Note, however, that the notes may be updated slightly following the lecture. Click here for instructions regarding how to view pdf files.